lördag 10 november 2012

lib: impress.js

I have been testing impress.js on my webpage to day. I think it is cool and will nicely replace prezi for me. But i wished it didn't have one feature. It replaces the default html / css way of working with its own absolute positioning system.

I will do to things to investigate if i should stay with impress.js

  1. See if it is possible to disable the prezi positioning.
  2. See if any of the other js alternatives does use standard html/css for layout.


FSCONS: Debian Packaging

Talk: Debian Packaging

Saturday 10th of November, 2012
Room 2

dpkg, debs

Debian Package

  • Source Package
    • Upstream source with debian/ dir or patched with diff.gz
  • debian/
    • control
    • copyright
    • changelog
    • rules
    • Package related files
    • debian/bin-pkg-name
  • Binary Package
    • deb or udeb
    • Package name listed in control field Package
    • ar(1) archive with special magic value

FSCONS: Keynote: Weapons of the Geek

Keynote: Weapons of the Geek

Saturday 10th of November, 2012
Room 1
What are the different elements – legal, ethical, and aesthetic – that have fed into the stellar success of the free and open source software movement? In this talk, drawing on material from my forthcoming book, I will discuss the unique elements within F/OSS that constitute it as a site of political action, and contextualize free software within a wider field of geek and hacker politics. I will conclude by marshaling this material to critically assess the concept of Web 2.0, which has so powerfully structured understandings of the politics and power of digital media.
Acat, Anonymous, hackers, hacker etics, builders vs breakers, Craftmanship, Copyleft, freespaces - request for comments, BBSand IRC, free software project, Hack Lab, Hack Space, Free Software Confrerence.

FSCONS: Introduction to development for the others

Talk: Introduction to development for the others

Saturday 10th of November, 2012
Room 3
As a visitor to FSCONS I realised that all guests are not developers or know how to program. But many guests have an interest in, and would benefit from, knowing about coding. This is an introduction to programming visiting the core building blocks of many languages. The goal is for you to be able to follow the flow of a program. Concepts I will explain include sequence, selection, iteration, method. You will also receive good tips on where to continue from this introduction.
In the workshop we also will be writing some code.
This talk will also be given as a workshop

FSCONS: All about Free Your Android

Talk: All about Free Your Android

General Purpose Computing
Saturday 10th of November, 2012
Room 1
Regain control of your Android device and your data! This talk will give you all the information necessary to achieve this by running (almost) exclusively Free Software on your phone. It will cover the Android operating system and F-Droid, an alternative Free Software App repository that works like a marketplace. In these areas, a lot has been achieved, while there are still more challenges ahead.
This talk will also give you an insight of the current FYA-campaign, its short-term and its long-term goals as well as our experience so far with this decentralised campaign. Different ways will be presented how you can help to make phone liberation effortless and free the last few apps necessary for freedom phones to thrive.
What is the android system, what is wrong with it. 
  • universal operating system with inux kernel.
  • google account
  • google collects and connects data of emails, calendrar, adressbook, photos, usage-behavior
  • Thousands of proprietary, unctrolled apps
  • developed under no-disclosure agreement
  • might be proprietary in future
  • vendor locked ROMs
... have early to run to be prepared for my talk coming up next...

FSCONS: An endangered species: computer as a universal machine

Development for Embedded Systems
Saturday 12th of November, 2011
The automotive industry has discovered Free Software/Open Source and are embracing GNU/Linux to build the next generation of "infotainment" head units in your car. This talk will discuss the challenges as well as the immense opportunities GNU/Linux brings to the automotive marketplace.
"Your mobile phones has more computing power than the entire human race when we landed on the moon"
Things that use to be normal, loaning, lending, sharing, copy are now limited.
With the future uefi secure boot I will not be able to decide what software I trust. - But a single third party decides who I should thrust. They become gatekeepers to our computer with this. 
Who should decide? - What should be able to to do whit our computers?

fredag 9 november 2012

Soon my workshop will start on FSCONS.

In the begining i will show this presentation  (follow it live)
then we will look at an code example to see if we can get it to work.

tisdag 30 oktober 2012

FSCONS: Introduction to development for the others

I will have a talk and a workshop at FSCONS introducing software development.
As a visitor to FSCONS I realised that all guests are not developers or know how to program. But many guests have an interest in, and would benefit from, knowing about coding. This is an introduction to programming visiting the core building blocks of many languages. The goal is for you to be able to follow the flow of a program. Concepts I will explain include sequence, selection, iteration, method. You will also receive good tips on where to continue from this introduction.
In the workshop we also will be writing some code.

torsdag 20 september 2012

Android Meetup


  • Gain attention - Feature lista, Bli populär
  • Behåll användare - retention 5% är standard 10% är väldigt bra.
  • Skillnad mot webben
    • Webben (sök motorer) premierar gamla drakar
    • Appvärlden (markets) premierar nytt och bra.
  • Lokalisering är grejen. Översätt.
  • Ha filmer i press realeaser (svårt att inte klicka)
  • Koppla releases till happenings. När det händer något i communitiet som du riktar in dig på. "Start av alsvenkan"
  • Beskrivande namn kan inte skyddas.
  • Relevant reklam ger kontinuerlig inkomst
  • Köp app. Ger en engångs inkomst men användare förväntar sig ständig updatering
  • Relevans - om man riktar in sig på en nich så kan man få mer betalt per vy för att användarna är mer intresserade av reklamen.


  • OAuth
    • Syfte
      • Öppen standard
      • Logga in utan att ha login uppgifter hos en tjänst. Tex Loga in med Faceboook.
      • Få ut data till en client.
    • Flöde

    • Demo
    • Läget för OAuth
    • OAuth 2.0 vad gäller igentligen?
    • OAuth är inte OpenID

tisdag 12 juni 2012

dev:Mobile: Mobile cross-platform development with JQuery Mobile

Jörgen Bengtsson
Johan Holm

90% smartphone i telias butiker
10% av trafiken går genom mobiler

Android och IOS använder webbkit vilket gör det enkelt att bygga mot dem med hjälp av html

  • Viewport
  • screen dimensions
  • Media Queries
  • Responsive web!
  • Swipe
  • Portrait & Landscape
JQuery Mobile

Använder 3 filer:
  • JQ script fil
  • JQ css fil
  • JQ fil

dev:Mobile: Having fun with Android mashups

Pär Sikö @per_siko
Martin Gunnarsson @gunnarsson

Om att använda web väldigt fort i android appar.

Verkar vara väldigt enkelt att komma igång med.

Man kan kommunicera mellan Android delen och Javascritpt delen
Genom att skicka java objekt från Android till Javascript kan javascript sedan kommunicera med android genom att använda det objektet.

Åt andra hållet kommer man fram genom att skicka loadUrl på den webview med ett javascript anrop som sedan körs.

Example InstaFlickrBook

webWiev.loadUrl("javascript:....") ;


dev:Moiblile: Mobile app vs. mobile site

Patrik Malmquist

  • Native
    • IOS
    • Android
    • Windows
  • Hybryd
    • PhoneGap

  • Webbapp
    • Seperate less functions?
    • Responsinve
      • same site - diffrent size
        • zooming
        • resizing
      • Full flow?
        • Optimized for all sizes
        • flexible grid system
      • two sizes?
What does your users need?

  • Webservice...
  • Android: 50% är under 35 år /Nielsen company
  • theunderstatement.com
  • Think of the Total Experience!
    • Discover
    • Investigate
    • Prepare
    • Apply
    • Resceive
    • Use
Function or Content?
  • Function
    • Sensors?
    • UI?
      • Hardware Acceleration.
    • Selling
      • An app?
        • Fourcha
      • An Service?
      • A product?
      • Multichannel
Summuary of qualities to think about?
  • SEO
  • HW access
  • UI Response
  • Development Cost
  • AppStore
  • Review process
  • Shareability

tisdag 20 mars 2012

Software Passion: Open-source style in business


The talk is about Freedom

And the dreams of a developer.

Under pressure from Boss, Customer, Team, Mini-me

You can put stuff in to the system: Money control, time

Put he will still only produce crap.

Creating a relation: -> Demand ->
Requesting support: First contribution: -> Feedback ->
Passing problems: -> Research ->
Get stuff fixed: -> Quality ->
First code-contact: First commit: -> Function ->
First level of creation: adding new functions: -> Concepts

The difference to business?

We cant multy task but our brain can.

Flow is god. The brains is connected to every thing.
Flow: when you raise your comfort zone. To what is exciting and challenging.

For the developer:

  • No multitasking -> keep role & level
  • Enrich your data -> read & meet
  • Find & define your comfort-zone
  • - Communicate -
For the business:

  • Create Transparency
  • Drop rules - create opportunities
  • support swap/change
  • - communicate -

Software Passion: Node.js


The event loop
the real event loop

Why javascript:
-it is everywhere.
-everything wll eventually be written in it.

-threads vs events

keeps connections open by default

express - servers
connect - used by express
request - calling servers

Templating engines
Jade, Mu, ejs, eco....

Libary magick
Socket.io - connecting to stuff.
Tower.js - rails for node

asserting is built in to the framwork
testing framworks builds on that.

Nodmon - relods on save.
forever -


Cloud foundary
If you run it your self.... think of things.

Software Passion: Kanban

What is Kanban?
In industry
  •  Automaticly order part when a part is used.
In software development
  • a change mangement process
  1. Start with what you know
  2. Agre to pursue incremental change
Visiual, limit work in progress, flow , process policssis...

Kanban is a way to... ...getting stuff deliverd!


  1. We lose our ability to plan!
    • No estemations?
      • Mangaging people
      • Release planning
      • etc
      • But esteamtions do not work so why care?
    • Keep features small so the need for a plan is less.
      • ie tasks below two days
    • Reduce variation
    1. Small releases
    2. Options for Re-paning
      1. Reprioritize the input qu
      2. cadence
      3. Pull a planning meeting
  2. It will take longer?
    • No deadlines!
      • The amount of the time which one has to perform a task...
      • ...is the amount of time it will take to complete the task. 
    • Managing by measuring
  3. WIP limit
    • how many features may be active at each stage.
    • Will create bottle necks
      • But that is a good thing.
        • that shows us where we have problems.
      • People will be idle
        • that drives change.
  4. in Kanban, everybody contriutes to the en process
  5. The focus of flow enables creativity.
canban for sceptiks

Software Passion: Tomcat Scaling and Fault Tolerance


Think about what's wrong with I am doing.

wisepilot - mobile navigation software


Apache as a load balancer

Software Passion: Value-driven development

Tom Gilb

Quntafying whats valuable,(not necacery monatary value)
Usability, Performance, or whatever

Deliver value to stakeholders, within limited resources.
Stakeholder is everyone that is influenced by the software indirectly or directly.

Book recomendation

  • Lean startup
Planing language -> Planguage

"All values on one page "

Software Passion: Self organizing teams

 Self organizing teams
Svante Lidman

Atonomy - Competence - purpose


  • Knowled and learning
    • about the enviroment
    • about goals and utility
    • about how to do the job - or how to learn it
  • communication
    • shared commnication
  • Actionability
    • planning
    • decision making
    • asynchronus governance
  • motivation
  • group dynamics
    • relationships
    • shared memes
  • balance

Software Passion: Keynote: Gojko Adzic

Gojko Adzic
Taking the business along for a journey.

Kanban, Agile, Scrum is only mirrors showing us where we fail. What we do with that image...

Water-Scrum-fall: Applying scrum only to development is a recipe for fail.

Talking about a team with two weeks iterations followed by i  2 month packaging followed by a 1.8 year   business planning.

"The most important peace of information on a requirement document is the phone number to the person who wote it"

Writing assumptions is more important than writing down requirement

  • Feture injection
  • Storrymapping
  • Effect mapping .http://gojko.net/effect-map
    • Continue asking why until you find the money


I could easily lower someones bloodpresure , bu shoping their head of, but their is not quality in that.

Maslovs for software

         Successful of achieving the business goal.
  Performance secure.
Deployable functionally ok.

Mesures bussnies bugg instead of technical buggs.

Book recomandations

  • How to measure anything
  • Lean startup

måndag 19 mars 2012

Software Passion: AKKA

Roland Kuhn

Akka is kidn of erlang for java/scala developers. And then some.
This amazing platform works totally asynchronously using the actor feature.
Build powerful concurrent & distributed applicationsmore easily.

An actor:
has behaviour and state and communicates through calls. buting the calls in a stack untill they can be handled.

in Akka all actors have an supervisor that decides what to do if the aktor fails to preform.


I hade no battery during this talk so my notes are a bit spares but this was a interesting talk.

Software Passion: Programing style and your brain

Probably one of the best talks on Software Passion 2012.

Our Brain has two systems: System 1 is giving System 2 false data. (Gur and head)

Computer programming: The most advanced thing we do.
Perfection: What makes programming hard. - The computer has license to kill if we aren't perfect.

Mentions: JSLint will hurt your feelings.
If feelings are hurt: System 2 start rationalising System 1s preferences.
"Thats hardly ever happens" is another way of saying "it happens"

Decide the way you code based on what can be a problem

If there is a feature in your programming language that sometimes is a problem and there is another feature to do the same thing. Use that other feature.

Make you program look like they do what they do.

Write in the language you are writing in. following above rules. What works for java may not work for javaScript.
 Designing a programming style demands discipline.

Avoid the abyss

Good code is good for your gut.

Software Passion: Play! framwork


Play looks easy
Allowing a mix of java code and temptation in scala.

In 45 minutes the built:

Testing can be done with Junit-test, integration tests and selenium supported by Play framework.

Software Passion: Unit Testing Styles and Mockito

Per Lundholm 


Starts with a unit-testing styles and then describing some interesting parts of mockito.

You need to know what you test:

  • Verify State:
  • Verify Behaviour:

Different mocking components:

  • Dummy Objects
  • Not actually of any production use, but can fill up parameters.
  • Fake Objects:
  • Stubs:
  • Canned answers:
  • Mocks:

Book recommendation:
XUnit Test Patterns - Gerard M

Legacy code: Capture what the legacy system produces as a result and use that as expected in a unit test.

  • To verify that I do not break anything
  • To learn about the legacy code.
  • To see changes.

Book Recommendation:
Working effectively with Legacy Code: Michael Ferris

The talks ends with interesting discussions and questions:

Better to write code that can be tested than code that is private.

To change code you have to have tests.

Software Passion: Combinatorial test

Robert Bergqvist

Sorry Robert. This was just boring!

  • Unit tests
  • Domain testing
  • data-driven tests

Two test approaches

  • Scripted testing
  • Exploratory testing

This guy has written test on a system hi had little knowledge of and he had time to explore it. Wrote automated test based on a model he built of the software.

Software Passion: Software craftmanship

Sandro Mancuso

The speaker asked us to focus on value when talking about Sofware Craftmanship. And told us that the most valuable we produce is code.

The Sofware Craftmanship builds on the agile development moment and looks further. Not only changing the process but focus on the purpose of coding.

Software Passion: Keynote: Jan Bosch

Professor of software development: Jan Bosch Teams:

Bosch talk: A broad talk about different aspekts of good Software development praxis. He talks about the benefits of agile values. I was able to record the following focus points:

"We still treat requirements as they come from God and are written in blood" Jan Bosch
  • Self selected, directed  managed teams. 
  • Focusing on speed. 
  • Testing what works with expermints insted of opinions 
  • Simplify architecture. 
    • Simplify
    • Decouple:
      • No versions New should be able to be used as the old.
      • Teams and components: should not be locked
  • jan @ bosch.com
Cooperations evolvment:
Traditional Development ->
Agail across teams ->
Agile in R&D ->
Continues Integration ->
Continues Deployment - >
R&D as an innovation system 
And then it was monkeys.


  • Shadow beleives:
  • Speed:
  • Teams: Smale, crossfunctional, self driected, self manged
  • Architure: is sessential:
  • Not my job: Yes it is.